Study with Alec Soderberg

coming soon…

What is Nada Yoga?

Nada Yoga, the Yoga of Sound, is an ancient practice that taps into the primal vibration of the universe. Through the art of listening and vocalizing, Nada Yoga harmonizes the mind, body, and spirit, leading to deep inner peace and heightened awareness.

Meet Alec Soderberg

Alec Soderberg is a distinguished mentor with years of experience in Nada Yoga and Vedic Philosophy. His journey began with a deep fascination for the power of sound, and he has since dedicated his life these teachings available. Alec's mentorship is rooted in authentic traditions and enriched with contemporary insights, offering a unique blend of wisdom and practicality.

Get in touch.

Are you interested in working with Alec? We'd love to hear from you! Email us and express your interest to be the first to know about our release date and upcoming opportunities.

  • Nada Yoga is the process of uniting the individual self with the universal self through the flow of sound. Nada is not just sound but a current of energy and light that flows up and down the spine. The Nada is what connects us to Pranava, Om. Awakening the Nada and allowing it to flow through the spine is the basis of Nada Yoga.

    Alec Soderberg